Even Still, Hope is Alive

“And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:5

Hope is alive. 

I can see its constant motion in my life – an element entirely its own. Hope has taken on many forms for me and despite me. At times I have seen hope as a fool’s errand. Why should I put my energy toward hope when I could continue to let anger and resentment take root? But hope is alive. It’s after us. And it is not for the fool. It is not for the faint of heart. It does not put us to shame. 

This Christmas season, many of us return to our childhood homes. There are joyful places here. There are streets and stores that raised you. There are familiar sounds and smells. There are the deepest loves you have known. And possibly the deepest hurts. There are stains in the carpet that will never come out. There are words that will never be taken back. There are shadows that still show up and still sting. 

Still, hope is alive. It is moving, independent of you. Hope in Jesus means hope that all will be made new. Hope in Jesus means hope that all will turn on its head – He will rip the carpet out, He will clear the air, He will make a way – for His beloved. Remember His heart for you and your family. Remember His will and vision for you and your people. 

“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand-- when I awake, I am still with you.” Psalm 139:17-18 

Whatever circumstances have you spinning, whatever solution you can’t find – God is on the move. Hope is on the move. He thinks about it way more than you. He thinks about you way more than you. Remember – your hope is in the God whose thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of sand. And how precious are His thoughts. 

How can you let God be God this Christmas season? How can you let Him come to you? How can you welcome Him into your home, your heart? 

Start with hope. 


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