Legacy: A Process

There is something really special about this series. Thinking about my legacy – what really matters to me, what I want to be known for – feels so important in this season. So important, that maybe I feel intimidated. 

As we lean into Legacy for the next few weeks, I wanted to provide some processing questions. Pace yourself as you go through these. Invite God into each question. There is no timetable, no pressure to figure out a complete answer. In fact, I want you to allow your answers to be fragmented. 

Your legacy is a process. Take some time to dive deep into what you know now. Allow peace to fill in the gaps. Usher in trust where you have questions and patience where you have frayed edges. 


What comes to mind when you think of a Legacy?

Read through 2 Corinthians 2:14-15. What do you want the aroma of your life to be? 

What do you feel like God is speaking over this year or this season for you personally? How does that inform your Legacy? 

What do you want your Legacy to be in your family? 

What do you want your Legacy to be as a friend? 

What do you want your Legacy to be as a co-worker?

Ask the Lord, “What do you want to be the Legacy of my life?” 

Lord, I am a poured out offering. What do you want the aroma of my life to be? I pray for grace to see in part and patience to process through pieces. I ask for vision for my life. I ask for the wisdom to take next steps toward my purpose in your Kingdom. Thank you for your presence and steadfast love every step of the way. I love you. Amen.


An Ancient Response


God is Sovereign