Do I Really Get To Live Without Fear?

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 

As a person living in the Spirit, do I really get to live without fear? 

Well, yes and no.

Life in the Spirit often means loss of control, walking on water, stepping into an abyss. If fear didn't rise up in me – even overtake me – from time to time, I would wonder if I was following the Spirit at all. 

I think the real question is – do I really get to surrender my fear? 

The Spirit prompts us to do many things. And whether it’s moving to another country, forgiving a loved one, or calling an old friend, obedience is always involved. 

Obedience. That’s a heavy word. That, I dare say, is a fearful word. It causes a strange stirring in the pit of my stomach. 

I won’t get into the countless ways obedience pops up in our everyday lives. I will say that diligence, faithfulness, and decisions are building blocks of beautiful things in the kingdom. You and I have a thousand blessings that point back to obedience, and the obedience of those who went before us. It is essential in communing freely with God. 

But what do we do with the fear that accompanies it? All too often I fall into this trap – clinging to fear is part of the obedience. When really, clinging to fear is flailing for control. Because when following the Spirit feels like stepping off a cliff, it’s difficult not to reach for a branch. But then He is begging me – fall and trust that I will catch you. Fall, and trust that communion with me brings transformation. Communion with me turns everything on its head. Trust me in obedience, and you will find that I can cause your fears to fade like vapors. 

But still – Do I really get to lay down heaviness and fear and confusion? Do I really get to pick up a light yoke, trusting that nearness to Jesus will change everything in my wake? 

I am beginning to think that I don’t just get to, but I must. 

I must not give myself the glory of bearing my own burdens. He is carrying your weight on His wings. He is causing you to soar. Not your will. And certainly not your fear. 

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15 

Fear will rise up in us. But we don’t have to grab hold of it. We can let it rise with a victorious release. We can give it to God and pray one of my favorite prayers, “Now, you must take care of this.” That is the prayer of a child. That is the prayer of one who calls God, “Abba, Father.” That is the prayer of a son and daughter of God, who not only follows the Spirit, but fellowships with Him. And in that fellowship, yes, we know some semblance of true freedom from fear on this side of eternity. 


Struggling to Choose Peace