1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Holy. We serve a Holy God.

The hard truth here: He demands our all. In the previous chapter, Paul encourages believers to run their race with intentionality. “Run in such a way as to get the prize,” he commands. In this passage, Paul details the ways in which the people of God in the Old Testament failed to keep their eyes on the prize. Even though God split the sea for them, provided daily bread and water, and led them through the wilderness – they started running after aimless idols and indulged fleeting desires. They turned their back on their God, “testing Christ,” and giving way to grumbling and complaining.

Where do these crazy folks fit into our story and the greater story of Christ? “Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things we did.” (10:6) Thanks, Paul.

 These accounts warn us. They point to the common pitfalls of the human heart, the strong pull on our will to give in to selfish thoughts and self-serving ways.

And yet, Holy – we serve a Holy God.

The beautiful truth here: He demands our all because He is the only One worthy of it. Evaluate your race - are you intentionally chasing after the prize?


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