The Battle with Body Image

Body image. It’s an issue that can stare us down whether there’s a mirror around or not. Sometimes it’s a buzzing nuisance and sometimes it’s an unavoidable roar.
In our culture, appearance can make or break our identity.
Scripture says a big fat no to this one.

God says we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)

God says that He does not look at outward appearance, but the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

God says our appearance may be wasting away, but our heart is being renewed each day. (2 Corinthians 4:16)

God says that our beauty does not come from our appearance, but our spirit. (1 Peter 3:3-4)
Still, we have been asked to navigate an image-obsessed culture with grace and integrity.

Image affects our career, our relationships, and our achievements.

Even how we feel about our image can damage these parts of our lives.

But there is a steady truth about our image in these verses. It has nothing to do with us and our outward efforts. It has everything to do with God’s work in our spirit, heart, and soul.

When you struggle with the buzz or the roar, return to these verses. Speak truth over yourself.

Gather confidence from the fact that God is daily creating life and beauty within you with a renewed spirit, heart, and soul.

People will be attracted to your peaceful confidence.


Thank you for this body. Thank you for how it moves and works in this life. I’m sorry for when I obsess over my appearance. Please replace those thoughts with thoughts of your truth about beauty. Thank you for renewing my spirit every day. I pray that I can walk in the confidence of a man/woman of God who knows where his/her beauty comes from. I love you. Amen.


A Cloud in the Desert


1 Corinthians 10:1-13