Cloaked in Promise

The end of Jesus’ life on earth is cloaked in promise. Keyword here: cloaked – to be covered, hidden, veiled. His followers walked in a lot of unknowns about the future. I mean, with Jesus frequently saying things like, 

“If I don’t leave, the Friend won’t come.” (John 16:7) 

“I am going to send you what my Father has promised, but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high…” (Luke 24:49) 

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20) 

...they had grounds for concern, at least curiosity, about what was coming next. 

And then Jesus really did leave. And the world went dark. (Mark 15:33) 

The disciples, the followers, the people on the fray of His ministry – all wondered and worried – what was it all for? But little did they know, He had prepared them for this moment. He had shepherded them well to this point. And yes it was dark, but they were covered in promise. 

He promised He would rise again. He promised He would be with them.

The angels at the tomb reminded the women, the first visitors of the empty tomb, of this:

“The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again. Then they remembered His words.” (Luke 24:8)

I love the wording of that, “Then they remembered His words.” It reminds me of how my mom or my best friend can tell me something a thousand times, but until I actually need that wisdom, that promise, that truth – I don’t recognize what they’re saying. Suddenly the spoken promises of the Word came to life.  

Some of His followers clung to these promises. Some fled. Others moved forward in mourning and confusion. 

Regardless, Jesus appeared to them. He revealed Himself to them and made His promises clear. He was still their Shepherd, even when they fumbled in the dark. 

And He is still that good Shepherd. We are cloaked in His promises day and night. And this is our truth as we continue to walk in the mysteries of the Spirit. Jesus promised the Spirit. Depending on the translation, He referred to Him as the Friend, Advocate, Helper, Comforter, Counselor, Intercessor, Strengthener, and Standby. Since the Spirit first fell at Pentecost, we have been benefactors of this promise. So that when the whole world gives way, when the light flicks off, when all goes quiet – we know that we are covered – in the promises and prayers of Jesus – and the wonders of the Spirit. 


Shaking and Surrender


Process Without Panic